Here’s Why You Should Have Fruit In Your Kitchen

In the last 100 years, we have experienced a massive increase in the availability of processed foods. There are more fast food restaurants and food delivery services than ever before. The ease of access to calorie-dense delicious food has made it quite challenging to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies are wired to crave sweet, salty and fatty food due to the scarcity of food that occurred for thousands of years.

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My Favorite Smoothies To Start The Day

By:  Alison, a recipe writer at

Edited: Erik Rokisky

Congratulations on taking control of your health by caring for your body and feeding it what it needs to be slim, healthy, and vibrant! If you’re like me, you really want to look and feel great! Battling excess weight can be one of the most frustrating, challenging, and emotionally draining experiences on earth. Many people struggle with a never-ending battle to lose weight and get healthy. Despite the numerous fad diets, exercise regimens, and magic pills for weight loss, Americans continue to grow larger and larger year after year.

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